Youth Entrepreneur Training: Overview and Information

Young entrepreneur training can change lives.
Young entrepreneur training can change lives.

Introducing entrepreneur training to children under 18 years old can have a dramatic impact on their lives. Studies have shown that basic business and enterprise education can positively improve financial outlook and wealth prospects. Guardians and mentors have access to entrepreneurial education at local schools and nonprofit organizations. It just takes a bit of research to locate the right program for your little one.

Local Entrepreneurship Training Programs

To find youth entrepreneurship training in your area, a variety of resources are at your disposal online and through government agencies. More often than not, locating a youth entrepreneur training program is more about which keywords you enter into a search engine.

Lemonade Day: Youth Business Training for Everyone

Lemonade Day helps kids learn business by helping them start a business. Participation in Lemonade Day includes a detailed curriculum that teaches the basics of running an enterprise, including accounting, customer service, and supply management. Kids in Lemonade Day vary in age with some as young as four and five years old. In addition to business education, “Lemon Heads” (as kids in Lemonade Day are called) are also guided on what to do with profits. The Lemonade Day income philosophy, “spend some, save some, share some” focuses kids on their future, their needs, and the world around them.

JA: Helping Kids Explore Their Business Potential

Junior Achievement (JA) is a near century old American charity that helps kids discover their entrepreneurial side. JA is a more expansive, and less focused, organization than Lemonade Day with a concentration in classroom and academic entrepreneurial education. As a result, JA is better suited to middle and high school students though specialized programs for older elementary students are available. The organization does help kids put their knowledge into action with entrepreneur mentorship programs but access can be limited depending on a child’s location.

Regional Entrepreneur Programs

In recent years, youth entrepreneur training has become more popular and widespread. Regional companies and trade organizations have started providing entrepreneurship education and opportunities through individual programs. Chambers of Commerce can also often provide unique business training involving locally based companies and entrepreneurs. Lemonade Day operates locally with the community but follows a curriculum shared by all participants nationally.

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