Day 6: Young Entrepreneur Dara Dember!

Young Entrepreneur Dara DemberLemonade Day graduate Dara Dember credits the lessons she learned via Lemonade Day as helping to inspire her to start her own business.  After participating in Lemonade Day in 2007-08, then nine-year-old Dara decided to follow her passion and open her own hand-made jewelry business.  Dara started selling the polished bracelets that she was made out of rescued wood from land fills as fashion accessories. As she learned in the Lemonade Day program, Dara partnered with a local business owner who allowed her to set-up a table outside the store and sell her products.  As part of her plan, she donated a portion of the profits to her favorite charity, Friends for Life, a no-kill animal shelter. In Nov. 2012, Dara launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise additional capital for her business. Not knowing if anyone would even be interested in her bracelets, Dara set a goal of just $200, which she achieved in the first day! After 30 days, Dara's project finished with $2,000! “That really opened my eyes. I wondered what else I could make with my materials,” Dara said.  It took her an entire year to create new products, but in November 2013 Dara launched her second Kickstarter campaign. Dara is starting to attract investors from overseas, and her business is growing.  She opened an Etsy online store, in having trunk shows in Austin and Houston and is exploring retail distribution options.  She would love to show her designs to Anthropologie. This 14-year old credits Lemonade Day for developing her business skills.  “The lessons I started learning with Lemonade Day are still with me. For instance, I am very careful about my costs and margins. In my current Kickstarter, right at the start I let people know that Lemonade Day was my original inspiration. I wish I could meet Michael and Lisa Holthouse and thank them personally.”

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