Cool YouTube Channels for Budding Business Tycoons

YouTube has become the destination of choice of bored kids (and often their parents) looking for quick entertainment. As a platform for education, YouTube can be quite powerful. From philosophy and economics to math and science, your children can quench their thirst for knowledge with some easily accessible videos.

Great YouTube Videos Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

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How To Be An Entrepreneur

A quick overview of what it takes to be an entrepreneur narrated with a delightful British accent, “How To Be An Entrepreneur” is short and very clear. The video also makes a point that is stressed heavily by Lemonade Day: the need for an actionable plan. If you like this video, you might like some of this channel’s other work. The School of Life YouTube channel covers “How To Find Fulfilling Work”, various philosophers, and much more.

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset

Philadelphia native Randal Pinkett earned five academic degrees, including a PhD from MIT, before getting his big break. As the winner of season four of reality show, “The Apprentice”, Pinkett received the kind of exposure entrepreneurs can only dream of. After serving a year long internship with Trump Entertainment Resorts, he quickly founded a series of successful companies.

This amazing Ted Talk was filmed in 2011, nearly seven years after his first appearance on TV. In the video, Pinkett discusses what the entrepreneurial mindset really is and why it should be applied to almost all aspects of life.

50 Entrepreneurs Offer Advice

One of the great contributions YouTube has made to modern society is opening access. Most people won’t get the chance to take a class taught by a Nobel prize winner. But today, we can watch recorded versions of their lectures. It’s almost like sitting in a Harvard classroom.

This video is a string of interviews and conversations with 50 great entrepreneurs of the modern age. Included are Jeff Bezos, founder of, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. Their insight and advice ranges from simple and obvious to profound and clever. The video is a bit long but ultimately worth the effort.

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